Police Academy Dates

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Full-time: The full-time academy meets Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. until 5 p.m., for approximately six months.

Part-time Day: The part-time day academy meets Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. until 12:30 p.m., for approximately ten months.

Part-time Evening: The part-time evening academy meets Monday through Friday, 5:30 until 10 p.m., for approximately ten months.

Steps prior to attending orientation:


You must attend the Police Orientation associated with the class you are interested in.

  • Please bring your Driver's License and Ink Pen.
  • There is no registration or fee required for orientation, just show up.
  • All orientations will be "in person" orientations which will occur at 555 Community College Drive Houston, Texas 77013.
  • Orientation will occur in the Codwell Hall Building/ Amphitheater.

Academy Administrative Assistance contact information:

Shantel Lang


(713) 718-5480

Criminal Justice Academic Advisor contact information:

Angela Cormier


(713) 718-2164

Get in touch

Rodney Jackson

Criminal Justice/Law Enforcement

Hours of Operation: Mon.-Fri. 8am-5pm
to make an appointment. Bring photo ID